House Pictures
House Foundation Forms And Structural Reinforcement 2

Electrical conduit pipes inside of a block wall building foundation.

Here's to heavy duty moment frame anchor bolts sticking out of the building foundation forms.

Here's a pretty good shot of how far down these all threads go into the buildings foundation.

If you look at the bottom of the all thread you will notice the nut with a square washer at the bottom. This hopefully prevents the all thread from pulling out of the foundation after its poored.

Here's a pretty good picture of the two all threads inside of the building foundation forms.

Another view of the moment frame all thread bolts inside of the foundation forms.

The plumber installs a sleeve for the waste pipe to run through the foundation, before it poured.

Front of the house forms.

Bottom of the foundation forms in front of the house.

Moment frame bolts and other side of the building forms in front of the house.

Another view of the moment frame bolts inside of the footing, before the foundation is poured with concrete.

Inside corner of building foundation.

I'm holding the hold down bolt and trying to show you an arrow that etched into the top of the bolt. The arrows used to position the bolt correctly inside of the foundation.

You can see how the building forms step up on this side of the foundation.

Another view of the S Bolt and building foundation.

Another view of the plumbing waste pipe sleeve, attached to the bottom of the forms.

Here is a top view of the plumbing pipe sleeve that will provide the plumbers with a way to get their waste pipe through the footing, after it poured.

Here's the back of an airplane flying directly above a residential neighborhood.

Here's a nice view of an airplane flying directly above a residential neighborhood on its way to the airport.



Five Reasons Why You Should Inspect Your Concrete Building Foundation - If you live in a house with a concrete building foundation, you better read this article. I'm going to give you five reasons why you should inspect your concrete building foundation. Whether you listen and follow it is going to be completely up to you.

Checking the Building for Square - The most important thing when building a home is the ability to keep everything as square, plumb and level as possible. Starting with the foundation, if the foundation is not square or level, the rest of the house is going to be out of alignment.

Filling Large Foundation Cracks - Listen to Experience - If you have a foundation crack that you can stick a nickel into, you have a structural foundation problem. I haven't found any fillers or epoxies that will bring it back to its original strength. These items can only be used to fill the cracks up.

Understanding Structural Foundation Damage - If you live in a house that has large cracks in the walls or large cracks coming off of the corners of your doors and window openings, there's a good chance that your house is suffering from structural foundation damage. What does it look like and what can we do about it?

Using Digital Cameras to Monitor Foundation Damage - Let's see, most contractors use jack hammers, wheelbarrows, structural rebar and concrete to deal with foundation problems, but a digital camera. How can a digital camera help us fix our building foundations?


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